The disclosure log contains a list of the requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and not available through the publication scheme, that we have received, listed by year and month. For each request shown we have withheld the details of the original applicant and there may be cases where we have also removed the personal details of third parties and withheld information exempted or excepted according to the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations.
Please note that prior to September 2015 all WHSSC freedom of information requests were processed by Cwm Taf University Heath Board.
Reference | Request and Response | Additional Attachments |
FOI16-05-002 |
FOI16-05-003 |
FOI16-05-004 | National Deaf MH Services | |
FOI16-05-005 | Gender Identity Services | |
FOI16-05-006 | NETS | |
FOI16-06-007 |
Children and Adolescence Mental Health Gender Identity Clinic Referrals |
FOI16-07-008 | Neuroendocrine Tumours | |
FOI16-09-012 | Proton Beam Therapy in Wales | |
FOI16-10-016 | Referrals to Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust | |
FOI16-10-017 | Gender Identity Service | |
FOI16-12-019 | Proton Beam Therapy | |
FOI16-11-020 | SDR Funding |