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Joint Committee

The Joint Committee is established as a Statutory Sub Committee of each of the Local Health Boards (LHB's) in Wales.

It is led by an Independent Chair, appointed by the Minister for Health and Social Services, and membership is made up of three Independent Members, one of whom is the Vice Chair, the Chief Executive Officers of the Local Health Boards, Associate Members and a number of Officers.

Whilst the Joint Committee acts on behalf of the seven LHBs in undertaking its functions, the responsibility of individual LHBs for their residents remains and they are therefore accountable to citizens and other stakeholders for the provision of specialised and tertiary services. Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board as host LHB, employs the staff supporting the Joint Committee and the Financial Statements of Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee (WHSSC) have been incorporated into their Financial Accounts.